Sunday, 17 February 2013

strategy for confusing the British (7 February 1942)

             The Japanese in Johor tried to confuse the British in case of attack by Bombing Changi.
        Also, oon the date of 7th February 1942, they attacked Pulau Ubin . The British took the
        bait and thought that the Japanese invaded Singapore from the North-east direction.
         therefore, the British moved petrol from the north-west.  This was what the Japanese


Defences in Singapore

                         During the World War II, the British built a Naval base and other territories
             in Temasek ( former name of Singapore) which included underground bunkers.
             bunkers were built all over singapore too. bunkers were used as stores or air 
          -raid shelters for defences.


Thursday, 14 February 2013

How we were treated by the Japanese (15 February 1942)

                      In order to get rid of any Western influenced, the Japanese had set- up many
             schools to teach people Japanese Language. Every morning, the students had to
             stand, face towards Japan and sing the Japanese national anthem.
                       In cinemas, only Japanese movies were displayed. The films insulted the
                 British. This caused the other Singaporeans' liking to British to decrease.
                 Sometimes, I can see the Japanese secretly coming into the cinemas to hear
                  anti-Japanese remarks


Fall of Singapore (15 February 1942)

                         Singapore being a small country , it is easy said that it can be conquered with
              ease. Japan is a big country , which has a larger area to store a huge supply of
              dangerous equipments and more amount of soldiers. This builds up to a strong army.
                         Here on Singapore, People of the army were ignorant and unaware of the
               coming of the Japanese army. When time came the Japanese faced Singapore
              army. By Morning of 15 February, the Japanese had broken through the last line
               of defence and the Allies were running out of food and ammunition.

                        Little did we know that the Japanese were also out of food and ammunition.
               In the end, we surrendered to the Japanese.


Key Battles in Malaya (8 December 1941)

                      Yamashito , a Japanese soldier, led the army and slowly conquered Malaya
            starting from Thailand. The British tried to protect Malaya. But did not succeed
            in doing so and instead, surrendered. From that point, the Japanese took over the
            Malaya and developed the "intelligence" service.
                    This lead to the loss of the British again. But when Hiroshima and Nagasaki
            where destroyed by the allied forces, the Japanese surrendered to the British and


Key Battles in Singapore (31 January 1942)

               It was early in the morning of the year 1941. Everyone of us in Temasek
            (which is now singapore) was a sleep. Until suddenly, we heard a loud
            explosion. The Japanese were bombing Singapore. By 1942, we fell to
            Japan, who eventually renamed our country as "Syonan".
               Three years had past and Japan had surrendered to the British. From
             there,our country were under the British military administration.



The British Surrender (7 February 1942)

                         The British had underestimated the Japanese. Before the War, the Japanese
          set up a service called "intelligence" in Malaya and Singapore to provide information
          on the british defence. They planned on how to defeat the British in the event of a
          conflict. "intelligence" is information that is gathered by the government/ the army
          about their opponent/ enemies and their activities.
                        The British lost, and were forced to surrender to the Japanese army. So
           our home country was still in the hands of the cruel Japanese army.

          Marshall Cavendish Education. Published in 2007. Title of Book: "Singapore
          From Settlement To Nation Pre-1819 To 1971".

The Japanese Surrender (15 February 1942)

                    The Japanese Surrendered in Singapore on 15th of February 1942. They
         Surrendered to the British Army. One of the Japanese signed a Surrender
          Treaty and Left .

                     I wandered why they surrendered to the British. Therefore, I did a research
           and found out  that the allied forces(British being one of them) led by the US, had
          bombed an area in Japan. This worried the Japanese and had forced them to surrender to the
           British. (The Areas Destroyed in Japan are "Hiroshima" and "Nagasaki").



Sook Ching Operation (18 February 1942)

           The "Sook Ching Operation" began from 18th of February to 4th of March 1942.
    The operation is a systematic way of exterminating the Chinese living in both Singapore
     and Malaya by the Japanese. This is one of the causes for the arrival of the Japanese.
    "Operation Sook Ching"is also known as "Operation Clean Up". It is also called as
     "Sook Ching Massacre".

           Hirofumi Hayashi, a professor at a university called "Kanto Gakuin University",
      claimed that the Chinese in Singapore were regarded as anti-Japanese. even before
       the landing of the Japanese Military. Thus, the eliminating of the Chinese
       begun. Finally, the Japanese surrendered in the year 1947.
            The British arrived and held a war crime trial for the perpetrators of the "Sook 
       Ching Operation". Thus, the Operation came to an end.


Japanese Invasion Over Singapore (8 December 1941)

                  On the 8th of December in the year of 1941, Slightly after 4.a.m. in the morning,  
      Singaporeans were under attack by the Japanese. The Japanese army bombed the city 
      and released explosions which awakened the people of Temasek (Which is the Singapore
      we all know today). At the same time, Malaya was also under attack . 
                   It took less than 70 days for Singapore to fall to the Japanese. Thus, the Japanese
       conquered Singapore and its people.
                  We , the Singaporeans, were treated as slaves to the Japanese. We obeyed to their 
       command. Those who opposed the Japanese were killed. The Japanese had a grudge over the
       Chinese. The Singaporeans were forced to respect the Japanese. Also we had to learn
       Japanese everyday and were starving of hunger . Long after, we gained
       freedom. Although many Japanese activities affected and killed many Singaporeans,
       we were happy to be able to stay alive.

        Marshall Cavendish Education. published in 2007. Title of Book: "Singapore From 
        Settlement To Nation Pre-1819 To 1971".